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"Together in God's grace, may we give our children the roots to grow and the wings to fly"

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Year 6 - Mrs Bardsley's Class

Welcome to Year 6's Class Page

Class Teacher - Mrs Bardsley

Who’s who

My name is Mrs Bardsley, and I am Year 6’s Class Teacher.  I have been a teacher for a long length of time but am new to school this year. Mrs Marshall is our Learning Support Assistant and works in class on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning usually to support us with our learning.  She also teaches our class on a Tuesday afternoon when the children have Music and R.E lessons.  Mrs Taylor and Mrs Kerfoot also work in class, at various points, during the week.

Our Half- termly Overview

In Maths this term we are studying fractions and geometry.  In fractions, we are ordering and comparing fractions using equivalent and simplying fractions.  We are also learning how to multiply and divide fractions while revisiting adding and subtracting them.

In English we are focusing on the Shakespearian play Macbeth. We will be practising our fluency by reading the play in prose as well as playscript form and acting out key scenes.  We will be practising our ability to write descriptively and increase our understanding of and accuracy when using grammar and punctuation.  Spelling will continue to be based on Year 5 and 6 National Curriculum guidelines and are tested each week on a Friday.

In PE the children will continue with swimming on A Friday morning.  Please ensure they have their swimming costume and a towel. Foundation subjects include African Masks in Art and the Industrial Revolution in History.

Important information

PE Day is a Friday

Homework will be issued on a Friday and will take the form of an English and Maths task typically.  We go through homework together on a Friday so please help your child to remember to complete it and return it on time.  This is an important skill for the children ready for secondary school.

Spelling words are given on a Friday with a sheet to help with learning.  Spelling tests happen on a Friday.

Reading Books – children have access to a wide range of books at school.  Please help by sharing reading their books with your child.  Research shows that children who read books regularly at age 10 and continue to read at secondary school perform better in Maths and all curriculum subjects at age 16.  Reading to your child and visiting the library are great ways to help develop your child’s love of books.

Useful links

50 things to do before 11 and ¾ visit