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"Together in God's grace, may we give our children the roots to grow and the wings to fly"

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

School Council

Meet the School Council

School Council

Another year, another team. With the new School Council comes a visit to meet the new Mayor. On Wednesday 21st November the School Council, will walk in to Loughborough to visit the Mayor’s Chambers to meet the Mayor and find out about the history of the Chambers. Prior to this the School Council will put together a list of questions that they wish to ask the Mayor. They look forward to their visit and of course, the refreshments afterwards.

We have also taken a keen interest in recycling this year and feel that it is something that we would like to promote in school. We will put together an assembly to deliver to the school in order to share our concerns about the waste that we produce in school and society.

I look forward to the rest of the year with our new School Council.

Please speak to your class representative if you have an idea or suggestion.