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"Together in God's grace, may we give our children the roots to grow and the wings to fly"

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Breakfast and After School Club

Wrap Around Care

Breakfast Club

We operate our own breakfast club from 8am until school starts at 8:50am.  We provide a healthy and nutricious breakfast for children who arrive before 8:30am.  Please contact the school office to book places and make payments.

Clubs Complete After School Care

If you need after school care for your child, we are now working with an external provider called Clubs Complete to ensure that full wraparound care is available for working parents.

Clubs Complete have a tiered system of clubs, depending on the duration of the childcare required:

Activity Club begins immediately after school and runs until 4:30pm when Explore Club takes over, and costs £5.60 per session.

Explore Club then runs until 5:30pm and costs £6:20 which includes tea time snacks.

Clubs Complete Activity Clubs

Clubs Complete offer a variety of paid activities to all children after school.  For example, in the autumn term the clubs were:

MONDAY: Multi-Sports

TUESDAY: Nature detectives

WEDNESDAY: Street Dance

THURSDAY: Mad labs

FRIDAY: Film Club

If you wish your child to attend, please book directly with Clubs Complete using the link below:

You must book for Activity and Explore directly with Clubs Complete in advance, but you don't have to commit to a regular day or time.  However, we recommend booking as early as possible to ensure space is available.  Please use the link below:

After School Clubs

School-Led Extra-curricular Clubs

Our staff provide some free clubs, which can change each term.  We try to offer a range of sporting and creative clubs so that all children will find something to interest them.  Last year we offered the following clubs:

Football training

Blog Club

Choir (meeting at lunchtimes as well)

French Club

Science Club

Drama Club

Look out for information after the start of term to see which clubs will be offered again this year!