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"Together in God's grace, may we give our children the roots to grow and the wings to fly"

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Collective Worship

Collective worship is a very important part of our school life. We gather to celebrate, sing, learn about the Bible and Jesus' teachings, and we also learn about our Christian Values and their biblical origins.

Whole school collective worship happens three times per week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and is led by a senior staff member.  On the other days, children share a time of collective worship and reflection in their classes led by their class teacher.

Each term has a focus or theme which aims to develop and deepen the children's knowledge and understanding of our school values.

Times of collective worship usually include songs, hymns, prayers, bible readings and stories.  We aim to make these times of gathering together, as engaging and enjoyable as possible for the whole school family.


Clergy Assemblies

We welcome regular visitors, including clergy from our link churches, to share in leading collective worship times.

Christian Talk Group

After assembly has finished a group of 12 children from KS2 spend 20 mins talking with visiting ministers.

This is a question and answer session in response to the morning assembly. The children ask questions about the faith and life of the visiting minister as well as exploring their own faith.

Child Led Assemblies

Loughborough Council of Faiths

Year 6 were visited by a group from the L'boro Council of Faiths. There were representatives from the Muslim, Sikh, Hindu and Christian faiths. Each representative introduced themselves and explained a little about their faith and why it is important to them. The children were then invited to ask questions they wanted - and they did!

It was a very informative afternoon and was a fantastic opportunity for the children to experience people from very different religious backgrounds coming together to show respect, common values and harmony.