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"Together in God's grace, may we give our children the roots to grow and the wings to fly"

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


"Children get off to a good start in the early years. The environment is bright, engaging and well organised. Well-established routines help children to develop their independence. Adults are skilled at helping children to develop their communication and language skills. Children are prepared very well for the next stage of their education. " Ofsted May 2023


Parents considering applying for a place are welcome to visit the school. 

If you wish to visit the school or would like to discuss admission arrangements, or if you have any questions, please call Mrs Start in the school office on 01509 263430 or email

First Time Admission to Primary School

Loughborough C.E. Primary School has no catchment area. Children applying for first-time admission to primary school, join in the August following their 4th birthday. There is one intake of 30 children per year. Whilst applications must be made through the local authority, it is also wise to contact the school directly as early as possible.

The local authority admissions window opens in June and closes on January 15th 2024.  You MUST submit your application to Leicestershire County Council by this date, or you might be at risk of not getting a place of your choice for your child.

The local authority will offer school places on 16th April (or the next working day).

Over-subscription admissions criteria

In accordance with Government legislation (Section 324 of the Education Act 1996) the Governing body will admit children who have an Education Health and Care Plan naming Loughborough CE Primary School as the appropriate school.

After this, the governors will consider all applications and offer places according to the following admission criteria, listed in order of priority:

Category A - Looked After Children

[A]. A Looked After or Formerly Looked After child (see definition).

Category B - Siblings

[B]. Any other child with a sibling who will have been on roll at the school for at least one term at the date of intended admission (see definition below).

Category C - Faith-based applications

[C]. A child whose application is supported by a letter from their priest, minister or religious leader (submitted with the application) confirming that the child, or their parent, or someone with legal parental responsibility, is currently an active member of any Christian church, either within the Church of England, a church belonging to Churches Together in England or an independent free evangelical church.

Priority in category [C] will be given first to children eligible for pupil premium, then to those living closest to the school  measured in a straight line distance  (home to school front gate) (see notes). At normal point of entry to the school, up to a maximum of 10 spaces will be allocated under Category C. Unsuccessful applicants in this category will then be considered in Category D. Any unused spaces will also be offered through Category D.

Category D - Other applications

[D1] A child whose parent (or person with legal parental responsibility) will have been continuously employed as a member of staff by the school for a period of at least twelve months up to and including the date of intended admission.

[D2] All other children.

Priority in each part of category [D] will be given to those living closest to the school measured in a straight line distance (home to school front gate) (see notes).

Applying for Admission to Move From Another Primary School

'Mid-term' or 'In-Year' admissions.  For further information regarding 'Mid-term' or 'In-Year' admissions, please see the Leicestershire County Council website on the following link:


We use Leicester Diocese to administer our appeals process.  Details about the process and what to do can be found here -

If you are not offered a place with us for your child and are considering an appeal, please contact us to discuss before completing an appeal application.


Please see below admissions policy for the 2025/26 admissions.